Dream screen
Dream screen This one is short and sweet as fitting wise there isn't much to say about this. I have had to upload this three times however as it keeps going tits every time I upload it for some reason. I published this a month or so ago but only recently noticed something had gone very wrong with the code causing it to all appear in a three letter column hence why I am republishing. After the horror story that was the Powerbroze screen I really didn't mind getting another. Yes it is a pain in the bum having to buy another screen but every time I look at that bike and see that piece of crap screen sat wonkily on my bike, well, like I said I don't mind replacing it. I opted for an Airblade this time as on the picture it had the lower lugs that slot into the fairing and it is a lighter tint. This would make for a better screen to shoot through should I ever mount a camera behind the screen. The screen arrived only 2 day later and although looking not...